Edinburgh Hockey Club 100+ Club
The 100+ club is being launched under licence from Edinburgh City Council. Entry will be available to anyone over the age of 18. Numbers will be allocated, as purchased, at a cost of £5 per month per number. There is no limit to the number of entries that can be purchased each month. Money must have been received before the 5th day of the month to be included in that months draw.
The first draw will be on 10th June at the club dinner. Subsequent draws will be on the 10th of each month throughout the year.
Set up a standing order payment online for regular monthly payments on the 3rd of each month(multiples of £5) to pay
Cala Edinburgh Youth Hockey Club
Sort Code 80 02 77
Account number 00230283
Please use reference “100 your name”
Send an email to Presidentehc@outlook.com Let them know
a. How many entries you have set up (We have no way of knowing how many numbers to allocate until the payment is received unless you tell us)
b. Payment reference used
c. Your phone number if you would prefer us to contact you that way if you win.
d. You will receive an email with your allocated number(s).
The treasurer will be in touch with winners to arrange payment into your bank account.
As the number of entries builds up the winnings will be as follows;
Up to 49 entries – 1 prize winner
50% of money received (max amount £122.50)
50 to 99 entries – 2 prize winners
1st prize min of £125 or 35% of money received (max amount £173.50)
2nd prize min of £25 or 15% of money received (max amount £74.25)
100 to 199 entries – 3 prize winners
1st prize min of £180 or 30% of money received (max amount £298.50)
2nd prize min of £75 or 15% of money received (max amount £149.25)
3rd prize min of £25 or 5% of money received (max amount of £49.75)
200+ entries – 4 prize winners
1st prize min of £300 or 29% of money received
2nd prize min of £150 or 14% of money received
3rd prize min of £50 or 5% of money received
4th prize min of £10 or 2% of money received
The number of entries and prize pots will be announced on the club website and other social media prior to each draw.
The results of the draw will be posted on the club website and other social media in the format
100+ club draw xx/xx/xxxx
1st prize – No 1 - A Winner
2nd prize –No 2 - A Winner
3rd prize – No 3 - A Winner
Money raised for the club from these draws will be used to benefit the club as agreed by the committee. All money used from the draw must be minuted at a committee meeting. The minutes from each committee meeting are stored within the Documents section on Pitchero.