Membership 1 of 4

1. General Membership Info

Please register as a member through the Join button at the top of the website. Once received, we will contact you to confirm membership and provide payment and team/event details.

Registration is required to ensure accurate maintenance of the Scottish Hockey (SHU) records and appropriate insurance of all members. CEHC members will not be eligible to play in matches if they are not registered with SHU (via the registration form) or their CEHC subs are not up-to-date. Every CEHC representative must complete a CEHC registration form annually (this includes volunteers, coaches, umpires etc) and forms for all returning members must be completed by the end of September for the relevant season.

Please note that CEHC do not charge match or training fees as these are included in the annual subscription.

Applicable Fees

The latest applicable fees for a season can be found under the Payments menu on the main menu.

The applicable fee will be based on your/your child's team/training allocation. In most cases subs should be paid in full, or by standing order to ensure full payment by end September for the relevant season.

A late payment penalty of £20 will be applied to all members who have not paid the appropriate amount by the October of the relevant season.